
A Philosophy of Software Design, 2nd Edition

Author: John K. Ousterhout

Last Accessed on Kindle: Feb 04 2024

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The greatest limitation in writing software is our ability to understand the systems we are creating.

Developers try to patch around the problems without changing the overall design. This results in an explosion of complexity.

Complexity is anything related to the structure of a software system that makes it hard to understand and modify the system.

You can also think of complexity in terms of cost and benefit. In a complex system, it takes a lot of work to implement even small improvements. In a simple system, larger improvements can be implemented with less effort.

Isolating complexity in a place where it will never be seen is almost as good as eliminating the complexity entirely.

Change amplification: The first symptom of complexity is that a seemingly simple change requires code modifications in many different places.

Cognitive load: The second symptom of complexity is cognitive load, which refers to how much a developer needs to know in order to complete a task.

An approach that requires more lines of code is actually simpler, because it reduces cognitive load.

Unknown unknowns: The third symptom of complexity is that it is not obvious which pieces of code must be modified to complete a task, or what information a developer must have to carry out the task successfully.

Complexity is caused by two things: dependencies and obscurity.

Dependencies lead to change amplification and a high cognitive load. Obscurity creates unknown unknowns, and also contributes to cognitive load. If we can find design techniques that minimize dependencies and obscurity, then we can reduce the complexity of software.

In the tactical approach, your main focus is to get something working, such as a new feature or a bug fix.

It’s not one particular thing that makes a system complicated, but the accumulation of dozens or hundreds of small things. If you program tactically, each programming task will contribute a few of these complexities.

The most important thing is the long-term structure of the system. Most of the code in any system is written by extending the existing code base, so your most important job as a developer is to facilitate those future extensions.

Taking a little extra time to find a simple design for each new class; rather than implementing the first idea that comes to mind,

Writing good documentation is another example of a proactive investment.

The best approach is to make lots of small investments on a continual basis. I suggest spending about 10–20% of your total development time on investments.

The benefits from your past investments will save enough time to cover the cost of future investments.

Once a code base turns to spaghetti, it is nearly impossible to fix.

One of the most important factors for success of a company is the quality of its engineers. The best way to lower development costs is to hire great engineers: they don’t cost much more than mediocre engineers but have tremendously higher productivity. However, the best engineers care deeply about good design. If your code base is a wreck, word will get out, and this will make it harder for you to recruit. As a result, you are likely to end up with mediocre engineers. This will increase your future costs and probably cause the system structure to degrade even more.

In an ideal world, each module would be completely independent of the others: a developer could work in any of the modules without knowing anything about any of the other modules.

This ideal is not achievable. Modules must work together by calling each others’s functions or methods. As a result, modules must know something about each other. There will be dependencies between the modules:

To identify and manage dependencies, we think of each module in two parts: an interface and an implementation.

The best modules are those whose interfaces are much simpler than their implementations.

If a module’s interface is much simpler than its implementation, there will be many aspects of the module that can be changed without affecting other modules.

Developer needs to know a particular piece of information in order to use a module, then that information is part of the module’s interface.

The key to designing abstractions is to understand what is important, and to look for designs that minimize the amount of information that is important.

Deep module is a good abstraction because only a small fraction of its internal complexity is visible to its users. Module depth is a way of thinking about cost versus benefit. The benefit provided by a module is its functionality. The cost of a module (in terms of system complexity) is its interface. A module’s interface represents the complexity that the module imposes on the rest of the system: the smaller and simpler the interface, the less complexity that it introduces.

A shallow module is one whose interface is complicated relative to the functionality it provides. Shallow modules don’t help much in the battle against complexity, because the benefit they provide (not having to learn about how they work internally) is negated by the cost of learning and using their interfaces. Small modules tend to be shallow.

Classitis may result in classes that are individually simple, but it increases the complexity of the overall system. Small classes don’t contribute much functionality, so there have to be a lot of them, each with its own interface. These interfaces accumulate to create tremendous complexity at the system level. Small classes also result in a verbose programming style, due to the boilerplate required for each class.

Providing choice is good, but interfaces should be designed to make the common case as simple as possible

Information leakage occurs when a design decision is reflected in multiple modules. This creates a dependency between the modules: any change to that design decision will require changes to all of the involved modules.

Information leakage occurs when the same knowledge is used in multiple places, such as two different classes that both understand the format of a particular type of file.

When designing modules, focus on the knowledge that’s needed to perform each task, not the order in which tasks occur.

In temporal decomposition, execution order is reflected in the code structure: operations that happen at different times are in different methods or classes. If the same knowledge is used at different points in execution, it gets encoded in multiple places, resulting in information leakage.

One team used two different classes for receiving HTTP requests; the first class read the request from the network connection into a string, and the second class parsed the string. This is an example of a temporal decomposition (“first we read the request, then we parse it”).

Information hiding can often be improved by making a class slightly larger. One reason for doing this is to bring together all of the code related to a particular capability (such as parsing an HTTP request), so that the resulting class contains everything related to that capability.

If you reduce the number of methods in an API without reducing its overall capabilities, then you are probably creating more general-purpose methods.

Reducing the number of methods makes sense only as long as the API for each individual method stays simple; if you have to introduce lots of additional arguments in order to reduce the number of methods, then you may not really be simplifying things.

A method is designed for one particular use, such as the backspace method, that is a red flag that it may be too special-purpose.

If you have to write a lot of additional code to use a class for your current purpose, that’s a red flag that the interface doesn’t provide the right functionality.

Specialization can’t be eliminated completely, but with good design you should be able to reduce it significantly and separate specialized code from general-purpose code. This will result in deeper classes, better information hiding, and simpler and more obvious code.

A dispatcher is a method that uses its arguments to select one of several other methods to invoke; then it passes most or all of its arguments to the chosen method. The signature for the dispatcher is often the same as the signature for the methods that it calls.

It is more important for a module to have a simple interface than a simple implementation.

You should avoid configuration parameters as much as possible. Before exporting a configuration parameter, ask yourself: “will users (or higher-level modules) be able to determine a better value than we can determine here?” When you do create configuration parameters, see if you can provide reasonable defaults, so users will only need to provide values under exceptional conditions. Ideally, each module should solve a problem completely; configuration parameters result in an incomplete solution, which adds to system complexity.

Bringing pieces of code together is most beneficial if they are closely related. If the pieces are unrelated, they are probably better off apart. Here are a few indications that two pieces of code are related: They share information; for example, both pieces of code might depend on the syntax of a particular type of document. They are used together: anyone using one of the pieces of code is likely to use the other as well. This form of relationship is only compelling if it is bidirectional. As a counter-example, a disk block cache will almost always involve a hash table, but hash tables can be used in many situations that don’t involve block caches; thus, these modules should be separate. They overlap conceptually, in that there is a simple higher-level category that includes both of the pieces of code. For example, searching for a substring and case conversion both fall under the category of string manipulation; flow control and reliable delivery both fall under the category of network communication. It is hard to understand one of the pieces of code without looking at the other.

Red Flag: Special-General Mixture   This red flag occurs when a general-purpose mechanism also contains code specialized for a particular use of that mechanism. This makes the mechanism more complicated and creates information leakage between the mechanism and the particular use case: future modifications to the use case are likely to require changes to the underlying mechanism as well.

Splitting up a method introduces additional interfaces, which add to complexity. It also separates the pieces of the original method, which makes the code harder to read if the pieces are actually related. You shouldn’t break up a method unless it makes the overall system simpler;

When designing methods, the most important goal is to provide clean abstractions. Each method should do one thing and do it completely. The method should have a simple interface, so that users don’t need to have much information in their heads in order to use it correctly. The method should be deep: its interface should be much simpler than its implementation. If a method has all of these properties, then it probably doesn’t matter whether it is long or not.

It should be possible to understand each method independently. If you can’t understand the implementation of one method without also understanding the implementation of another, that’s a red flag. This red flag can occur in other contexts as well: if two pieces of code are physically separated, but each can only be understood by looking at the other, that is a red flag.

It’s tempting to use exceptions to avoid dealing with difficult situations: rather than figuring out a clean way to handle it, just throw an exception and punt the problem to the caller.

The best way to eliminate exception handling complexity is to define your APIs so that there are no exceptions to handle: define errors out of existence.

Defining errors out of existence simplifies APIs and it reduces the amount of code that must be written. Overall, the best way to reduce bugs is to make software simpler.

Exception masking. With this approach, an exceptional condition is detected and handled at a low level in the system, so that higher levels of software need not be aware of the condition. Exception masking is particularly common in distributed systems.

Exception aggregation. The idea behind exception aggregation is to handle many exceptions with a single piece of code; rather than writing distinct handlers for many individual exceptions, handle them all in one place with a single handler.

With exceptions, as with many other areas in software design, you must determine what is important and what is not important. Things that are not important should be hidden, and the more of them the better. But when something is important, it must be exposed

You’ll end up with a much better result if you consider multiple options for each major design decision: design it twice.

Try to pick approaches that are radically different from each other; you’ll learn more that way.

The design of large software systems falls in this category: no-one is good enough to get it right with their first try.

The process of devising and comparing multiple approaches will teach you about the factors that make designs better or worse. Over time, this will make it easier for you to rule out bad designs and hone in on really great ones.

Without comments, you can’t hide complexity.

There are things you can do when writing code to reduce the need for comments, such as choosing good variable names

The informal aspects of an interface, such as a high-level description of what each method does or the meaning of its result, can only be described in comments. There are many other examples of things that can’t be described in the code, such as the rationale for a particular design decision, or the conditions under which it makes sense to call a particular method.

Users must read the code of a method in order to use it, then there is no abstraction: all of the complexity of the method is exposed.

The overall idea behind comments is to capture information that was in the mind of the designer but couldn’t be represented in the code.

Without documentation, future developers will have to rederive or guess at the developer’s original knowledge; this will take additional time, and there is a risk of bugs if the new developer misunderstands the original designer’s intentions.

One of the purposes of comments is to make it it unnecessary to read the code:

The guiding principle for comments is that comments should describe things that aren’t obvious from the code.

Developers should be able to understand the abstraction provided by a module without reading any code other than its externally visible declarations. The only way to do this is by supplementing the declarations with comments.

Cross-module comments are the most rare of all and they are problematic to write, but when they are needed they are quite important;

Many comments are not particularly helpful. The most common reason is that the comments repeat the code: all of the information in the comment can easily be deduced from the code next to the comment.

After you have written a comment, ask yourself the following question: could someone who has never seen the code write the comment just by looking at the code next to the comment? If the answer is yes, as in the examples above, then the comment doesn’t make the code any easier to understand. Comments like these are why some people think that comments are worthless.

A first step towards writing good comments is to use different words in the comment from those in the name of the entity being described. Pick words for the comment that provide additional information about the meaning of the entity, rather than just repeating its name.

Comments augment the code by providing information at a different level of detail. Some comments provide information at a lower, more detailed, level than the code; these comments add precision by clarifying the exact meaning of the code. Other comments provide information at a higher, more abstract, level than the code; these comments offer intuition, such as the reasoning behind the code, or a simpler and more abstract way of thinking about the code. Comments at the same level as the code are likely to repeat the code.

Engineers tend to be very detail-oriented. We love details and are good at managing lots of them; this is essential for being a good engineer. But, great software designers can also step back from the details and think about a system at a higher level. This means deciding which aspects of the system are most important, and being able to ignore the low-level details and think about the system only in terms of its most fundamental characteristics. This is the essence of abstraction (finding a simple way to think about a complex entity), and it’s also what you must do when writing higher-level comments.

If interface comments must also describe the implementation, then the class or method is shallow.

This red flag occurs when interface documentation, such as that for a method, describes implementation details that aren’t needed in order to use the thing being documented.

For short methods, the code only does one thing, which is already described in its interface comment, so no implementation comments are needed.

Add a comment before each of the major blocks to provide a high-level (more abstract) description of what that block does.

Loop comments are only needed for longer or more complex loops, where it may not be obvious what the loop is doing; many loops are short and simple enough that their behavior is already obvious.

When choosing a name, the goal is to create an image in the mind of the reader about the nature of the thing being named.

If you find it difficult to come up with a name for a particular variable that is precise, intuitive, and not too long, this is a red flag. It suggests that the variable may not have a clear definition or purpose. When this happens, consider alternative factorings.

Consistent naming reduces cognitive load in much the same way as reusing a common class: once the reader has seen the name in one context, they can reuse their knowledge and instantly make assumptions when they see the name in a different context.

The best time to write comments is at the beginning of the process, as you write the code. Writing the comments first makes documentation part of the design process.

If you write the comments as you are designing the class, the key design issues will be fresh in your mind, so it’s easy to record them.

If you write comments describing the abstractions at the beginning, you can review and tune them before writing implementation code.

Writing the comments first will mean that the abstractions will be more stable before you start writing code. This will probably save time during coding. In contrast, if you write the code first, the abstractions will probably evolve as you code, which will require more code revisions than the comments-first approach. When you consider all of these factors, it’s possible that it might be faster overall to write the comments first.

If you want to maintain a clean design for a system, you must take a strategic approach when modifying existing code. Ideally, when you have finished with each change, the system will have the structure it would have had if you had designed it from the start with that change in mind. To achieve this goal, you must resist the temptation to make a quick fix. Instead, think about whether the current system design is still the best one, in light of the desired change. If not, refactor the system so that you end up with the best possible design. With this approach, the system design improves with every modification.

The best way to ensure that comments get updated is to position them close to the code they describe, so developers will see them when they change the code. The farther a comment is from its associated code, the less likely it is that it will be updated properly.

If a method has three major phases, don’t write one comment at the top of the method that describes all of the phases in detail. Instead, write a separate comment for each phase and position that comment just above the first line of code in that phase.

If information is already documented someplace outside your program, don’t repeat the documentation inside the program; just reference the external documentation.

One good way to make sure documentation stays up to date is to take a few minutes before committing a change to your revision control system to scan over all the changes for that commit; make sure that each change is properly reflected in the documentation.

Consistency creates cognitive leverage: once you have learned how something is done in one place, you can use that knowledge to immediately understand other places that use the same approach.

Document. Create a document that lists the most important overall conventions, such as coding style guidelines.

Enforce. Even with good documentation, it’s hard for developers to remember all of the conventions. The best way to enforce conventions is to write a tool that checks for violations, and make sure that code cannot be committed to the repository unless it passes the checker.

Having a “better idea” is not a sufficient excuse to introduce inconsistencies. Your new idea may indeed be better, but the value of consistency over inconsistency is almost always greater than the value of one approach over another.